A place to inspire hope.
Location: Salisbury, MD
Art Design: Brandon Bell + Deserea Martin
Muralists: Brandon Bell + Deserea Martin + Kayla Allen + Kyle St. Peter
Tasks: Creative Direction + Branding+ Mural Design + Installation
Application: Spray
This is the fourth (yes, fourth!) completed mural for HealthPort!
What may be even more amazing is that this is 1/3 of the buildings we got to paint for this organization on East Main Street in Salisbury, MD.
Our first ever intern!
But that’s not all…
Thanks to close collaboration with Salisbury University we officially acquired one of it’s art students, Kyle St. Peter as our summer 2024 intern!
This would be our very first time having an intern and working intimately enough with a school that we will inevitably help someone graduate!
Talk about gratefulness!
And we certainly can’t forget to touch on the incredible help from our son, Axel!
You won’t find a more eager assistant who can memorize everything you need and more plus story tell like no other!

Check out the other buildings within this series that we have completed for HealthPort!

HealthPort - 431 East Main Street
HealthPort - 403 East Main Street